Images/graphics are missing from my interactive Nav-bar. see subsequent
pages on www.powerperfector(SPAMREMOVE).com
The Nav bar comes from a Theme, and it's only the pressed images that are
missing. I'm using FP 2003.
From previous posts here, I've tried :
- displaying hidden files, but _derived folder doesn't show (other hidden
folders do eg _borders, but not _derived ?)
- updated the images in the theme, then reapplied it to all the pages
- recalculated hyperlinks (both locally, and on the remote site)
- re-publishing the site (all pages, and then just changed pages); then
looking at the log file.
- 'exploring' the remote _derived folder - where some images are present,
even though they were not listed in the above log file ! but the missing
images are not there.
- I got my ISP to remove, then re-install the FP extensions, then I did all
of the above again.
If I publish the site to my local machine it all works fine.
I could presumably use explorer to compare the local/remote _derived
folders, then ftp missing images to the remote server, but I understand this
would wreck FP the functionality of FP extensions thereafter.
Incidentally, I searched MS knowlege base - and didn't find a single ref to
"_derived"! - shame.
pages on www.powerperfector(SPAMREMOVE).com
The Nav bar comes from a Theme, and it's only the pressed images that are
missing. I'm using FP 2003.
From previous posts here, I've tried :
- displaying hidden files, but _derived folder doesn't show (other hidden
folders do eg _borders, but not _derived ?)
- updated the images in the theme, then reapplied it to all the pages
- recalculated hyperlinks (both locally, and on the remote site)
- re-publishing the site (all pages, and then just changed pages); then
looking at the log file.
- 'exploring' the remote _derived folder - where some images are present,
even though they were not listed in the above log file ! but the missing
images are not there.
- I got my ISP to remove, then re-install the FP extensions, then I did all
of the above again.
If I publish the site to my local machine it all works fine.
I could presumably use explorer to compare the local/remote _derived
folders, then ftp missing images to the remote server, but I understand this
would wreck FP the functionality of FP extensions thereafter.
Incidentally, I searched MS knowlege base - and didn't find a single ref to
"_derived"! - shame.