images missing under Panther


Rick Gray

PPT presentation of ~60 slides created under Jaguar (10.2.8); everything
looks fine. Open the same presentation under Panther and about 10%
of the slides have images either totally or partially(?) missing. The
bounding box and image handles remain, just no image (or part of the
image will be missing which seems even stranger to me).

This observation is true regardless of machine (G3, G4 or G5) or
monitor used. If you copy the image area to the clipboard, it remains
either blank or incomplete (just as it looks in PPT).

Most of the images were JPEGs created in Illustrator 10.

All updates to Mac OS have been installed, permissions repaired, all
updates to Officev.X installed.

My boss is leaving in 1 hour to give a lecture. He was planning on
using his new 15" PowerBook with Panther, but luckily hasn't passed his
older PowerBook running 10.2.8 on to his daughter as he'll now need to
use that for his talk.

This is a very serious problem for anyone planning on using PPT under

Any ideas on a fix? Who else should I notify about this?


Rick Gray

Yep, as I said in the original message, all updates to Office were applied, permissions repaired, Mac OS 10.3.1 with all updates.

In fact, on my computer I removed office (using the tool for that on the CD), reinstalled office from the CD, applied all the updates in the proper order, and the problem remains. In retrospect, I should have tried the PPT presentation after each office update to see if one of them caused the problem, but didn't think of that until this AM and I'm reluctant to do the whole thing over again.

Later this week I'm going to wipe the disk of a 1GHz G4; I'll do a clean install of Panther and just install office (with the updates) and see if a minimal system with no other added software shows the problem.


----- Jim Gordon MVP wrote: -----


Things to check:

Be sure you have installed the updates:

Then use Disk Utility First Aid to repair permissions.

Did that fix it?

-Jim Gordon

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Steve Rindsberg

Most of the images were JPEGs created in Illustrator 10.

Is there any chance they're CMYK JPGs?
PowerPoint in various versions has had trouble with these things in the

Does the same thing happen if the images are saved/inserted as PNGs instead?

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