Images not displayed in Outlook


Brendon B

Hi everyone

We have quite a high priority user with a wierd problem we can't seem to fix.
The images in HTML mails do not display. Instead you see the blank spot with
a red X where the image should be. If you forward that same mail to someone
else, they are able to see the image. (It is an embedded image and not a
link) This happens to all similar emails. (JPG)

We have tried the following:

Installed SP3 for office 2003
Reinstalled office
Check settings to show images (Under the security tab) - They are all enabled.
Checked associated image viewers.

We are stumped. Please let me know if there is anything else we can try to
solve this.



Brendon B

Thanks for getting back to me Oliver.

Unfortunately none of this helps.
We have already checked the setting mentioned and there is no Norton on the

Any other ideas would be really appreciated.
The user has already re-installed Office as I mentioned and the problem
still occurs.



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