Images not displaying in Word 2003



Need images in Word 2003 are not displaying.

I've read and tried most of the suggestions in the different posts, but my
images are still going into hiding.

I've checked the "Drawings" box and unchecked the "Picture placeholders" box
I've also changed the hardware acceleration to the third setting from the
None | | |

....but my images are still not being displayed. Something peculiar I've
If I open NetMeeting, my images suddenly viewable. The minute I close NM,
poof, my images disappear.

This is driving me nuts!!!

HW/SW Specs:
1) Dell Latitude D610, 1.60 gHz Centrino; 1 GB RAM; Windows XP SP 2 Build 2600
2) MS Office Word 2003 (11.6502.6408) SP1
3) Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver info:
3(a)Mobile Intel 915GM/GMS,910GML Express Chipset Family
4) Screen display 1280 x 1024



yep, I am struggling also with this problem and I haven't been satified with
the answers, simply because everything worked just fine BEFORE my
installation of the windows XP Service Pack 2.

Netmeeting ...? That is very odd.

Can somebody come up with a patch, a solution ...a miracle?

Jon Duke

I agree! This is a bug that only manifested itself after SP2 was applied.

It is a problem with Word plain and simple. And I now have 700+ people who
cannot read company documents because the screen shots in them are useless.
And as you know when writing how-to docs screenshots are a must.

Try this -
Set Outlook 2003 HTML mail format.
Paste some images into a blank e-mail
Save the message as a draft
Open the message, select all and paste in to a new word doc - You will
notice the result is that the image does not show up. (Expected)

Now, change Outlook 2003 to use Word as the e-mail editor
Open the draft saved earlier select all and paste in to a word document..
Now the images do show up, and furthermore you can paste new images in to the
word doc without the glitch.

Tell me again how this is a hardware acceleration problem?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There are also millions of people who have installed SP2 and do NOT have
this problem.

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