Images not rendering on some users PCs



We have noticed that some of our corporate InfoPath-based forms are rendering
without images in some cases whereby users see the broken image "x". We
typically place our Logo on the top (JPG and GIF). The vast majority of users
can display the forms correctly with InfoPath 2003 and InfoPath 2007. Is the
likely culprit IE settings as IE is used to render the forms? In some cases,
affected users may be sucessful rendering images once, but not subsequently.
Issues occur when users have XP, InfoPath 2003, Office 2003, IE 6 or IE7.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Gavin McKay

Hi Jeff,

Sounds network-related. InfoPath Forms should just supply the HTML links
and then the browser renders it as appropriate. If you right-click on the
broken "X" is the path to the image correct? Is the image on the same server
as the InfoPath form template? Might be worth copying to the same server as
the form just to see if that makes any difference.




The images are embedded in the form itself through Design, so they are not
being pulled from another location such as a webserver. Since this is the
case, they are encapsulated within the XSN. Upon form open on the client
computer, it appears that InfoPath is expecting these files to be located in
the Temporary Internet Files directory, when indeed they are not there.

Gavin McKay

Wow that's strange behaviour... any other Internet settings that might be
causing issues? For example is the location of the images in the "Intranet"
or "Trusted Sites" zone? Tried clearing the IE cache/downloaded files? Any
restrictions (Group Policy or otherwise) on what types of images can be


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