Images not visible in PowerPoint 2003 design view


Glen Millar


First of all, go to Help| Check for updates within PowerPoint, depending on
version. Also, have you updated video drivers?



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP


glen at powerpointworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint version,
whether you are using vba,
whether your dog has fleas, or
anything else relevant.


I wonder if anyone has come across this. Images which have been
inserted into slides are visible in the Slide Show, and on the
thumbnail views of the slides, but disappear when the slide is
displayed in Design View. The user can still highlight the image (the
placeholder shows) but the image itself does not render.

I thought this might be a memory issue as some of the images are quite
large, but it only happens on some machines and not others.

O/S is Windows XP SP2

Any suggestions would be appreciated


Troy @ TLC Creative

Are you using a dual-screen system with PPT's edit window on the secondary

Judi Brenstein

I'm having the same problem all of a sudden - no fancy video setting, just
plain vanilla. It just started doing this. Does anybody know why?

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