The file names are very similar and oddly enough I can use them
interchangeably and still get a warning. The warning comes up while I am in
Publisher and trying to check the link. The message says "Microsoft Office
Publisher Security Notice: Microsoft Office has identified a potential
security concern. Location may be unsafe." The location it is pulling from is
the same folder the original image comes from. As I said first, I can
actually switch to the image identified as a concern and try to link to the
smaller image and still get a warning. It isn't the image it doesn't like. It
doesn't like the location, yet both images come from the same folder. I do
not have this same problem with all images stored in these folders. It seems
to happen randomly.
Can I say also, this forum is the BEST. I've picked up some great tips and
help in solving issues. Thanks so much! deb