"Immediate Window" displays strange code!


Jay Northrop


I've used Excel for several years, and am just now diving into VBA (with the
help of two John Walkenbach books). The question I have relates to the
"Immediate" window in the VB editor. Every time I open up the editor, I see
the following code in the "Immediate" window. I thought the "Immediate"
window was supposed to be empty. Does anybody know why this code appears, or
how I can get rid of it (other than selecting and deleting it)??


Jay N.


Frank Kabel

these are debug messages from the Analysis Toolpak Addin (MS seems to
have forgotten to turn off the 'debug-switch' before shipping Excel)
So nothing to worry about but you can't really do anything against it

Jeff Wright

Thanks, Frank. In that case, I guess I can live with it.


Frank Kabel said:
these are debug messages from the Analysis Toolpak Addin (MS seems to
have forgotten to turn off the 'debug-switch' before shipping Excel)
So nothing to worry about but you can't really do anything against it

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

Jay Northrop said:

I've used Excel for several years, and am just now diving into VBA (with the
help of two John Walkenbach books). The question I have relates to the
"Immediate" window in the VB editor. Every time I open up the editor, I see
the following code in the "Immediate" window. I thought the "Immediate"
window was supposed to be empty. Does anybody know why this code appears, or
how I can get rid of it (other than selecting and deleting it)??


Jay N.


Myrna Larson

Ah, but if you know the password and you know something about VBA, you can
correct the bug. Not for VBA newbies, though.

Myrna Larson

PS: I have fixed my Excel 2002 (XP) version. I can email it if somebody wants
it. I can't guarantee it will work with other versions, though.

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