Patrick Gill
We are trying to initiate an OWC on the server side using the impersonation
properties in the connection string (Roles=Role1,Role2
to connect to an
Analysis Service Cube, but it's failing. It looks like when you initiate
the OWC on the server side it doesn't have a valid SSPI context. It works
fine until you restrict security on the cube. Once a cube is restricted, the
component does not bring back any data from it.
What we are trying to do is create scheduled reports that are mailed out
once a night to the users so the reports will be in their mailbox as soon as
they come into work. Some of the dimensions are secured via OLAP Roles and
we want the users to be sent "their" view of the data so we add the user's
role list to the connection string. All of this has to be done through OWC;
we don't think we can use Reporting Services for this because the report
formats are stored as an OWC XMLData property definition.
Here are the steps that we are doing to accomplish this:
1) The user opens up their web portal - No problem here
2) The user creates a report that they want to see every morning -
Still no problem
3) The user then clicks on the subscription button and then fills in
the appropriate information. (Daily, weekly, monthly)
4) The report with the user information and time schedule is then
saved in a table to be query nightly
5) A process will run nightly and run all the necessary reports for
that day - This is where we are having our problem
When we try to initiate the OWC on the server and use the person that
created the report login information as part of the connection string, it
fails. Thinking that the OWC was running under a different impersonation
context, we added every possible account on the server to the local admin
and OLAP admin group and still no luck.
What we are wondering is if this is even possible because when we do this on
the client side everything works great. On the server, seems like there is
no SSPI context.
Thank you,
Patrick Gill
properties in the connection string (Roles=Role1,Role2
Analysis Service Cube, but it's failing. It looks like when you initiate
the OWC on the server side it doesn't have a valid SSPI context. It works
fine until you restrict security on the cube. Once a cube is restricted, the
component does not bring back any data from it.
What we are trying to do is create scheduled reports that are mailed out
once a night to the users so the reports will be in their mailbox as soon as
they come into work. Some of the dimensions are secured via OLAP Roles and
we want the users to be sent "their" view of the data so we add the user's
role list to the connection string. All of this has to be done through OWC;
we don't think we can use Reporting Services for this because the report
formats are stored as an OWC XMLData property definition.
Here are the steps that we are doing to accomplish this:
1) The user opens up their web portal - No problem here
2) The user creates a report that they want to see every morning -
Still no problem
3) The user then clicks on the subscription button and then fills in
the appropriate information. (Daily, weekly, monthly)
4) The report with the user information and time schedule is then
saved in a table to be query nightly
5) A process will run nightly and run all the necessary reports for
that day - This is where we are having our problem
When we try to initiate the OWC on the server and use the person that
created the report login information as part of the connection string, it
fails. Thinking that the OWC was running under a different impersonation
context, we added every possible account on the server to the local admin
and OLAP admin group and still no luck.
What we are wondering is if this is even possible because when we do this on
the client side everything works great. On the server, seems like there is
no SSPI context.
Thank you,
Patrick Gill