Implementing an idea ...



Hello everyone. I am currently trying to create an Excel spreadsheet
that will allow someone to organise a tournament (a videogaming

Basically, the tournament starts with the players being split into 4
groups, in each group a player must play every other player twice,
someone can either win 2-0 or the two opponents can draw 1-1.

At the end of the four groups the four highest placing participants are
entered into a 16 man knockout tournament (single elimination)

I am stuck with trying to think of a viable method for organising the
group stages. Players need to be given 1 point per match they win, so
if two people draw they both receive one point and if one person beats
another they receive 2 points. Relatively straightforward.

The only way I can think of doing this is by creating a league table
per group and having a button next to each name which, when pressed,
will add 1 point to their current total and would need to be pressed
twice for two wins etc.

Obviously this system is flawed as anyone can press the button to award
themsevles a point when noone is looking and mistakes can be made
(adding a minus 1 button as well may just be long winded)

I think that once this problem is solved the rest will be fairly
straightforward, organise groups according to number of points and then
use a macro to copy and paste the group finalists into a 16 man knockout

Can anyone think up better methods of approaching this problem?

(I hope this is in the right forum)


As far as your buttons go, you can lock them and then protect your sheet
so that users can only enter data into the unlocked cells and not tamper
with the locked cells/controls. There are a ton of tournament
scheduling programs available online as well. Maybe do a search to
pick the one that's right for your project.



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