Implementing Drag & Drop in Excel sheets



Anyone have any information on implementing drag & drop on Excel
sheets? We have a need to be able to drag and drop cells (special
cells that our application manages and can recognize) and track where
they are dragged from as well as where they are dropped so that we may
do any necessary housekeeping. I don't see any way in the Excel VBA
world to do it other than using some mix of WinAPI calls. Any
information or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Roy Berger

Earl Kiosterud


The Worksheet_Change event fires twice when a cell has been dragged and
dropped. Target.Address in the first one will be that of the cell that was
dragged, and on the second time, Target.Address will be that of where it was
dropped. Not too elegant, I suppose, but I thought you might be able to use


Thanks for the reply. Yes, I noticed this in my travels through the
event model. I was hoping for something a little "tighter" than that,
but that might be all there is. Thanks again.


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