Implication of setting the Publish Task field to No



Hi all,

Can anyone pls advise of what the implications are on setting the publish
task field to no in terms of reporting. For example if using reports from the
resource centre to review actual work by resource will non published tasks be
included. Or if running a report through the OLAP cube? Further should fields
like total project costs displayed in the Project Centre or OLAP reports
display the total minus the non published tasks?

We are currently setting a number of project tasks to publish No to simplify
the timesheet experience for resources but are noting a number of anomolies
in our reporting. Any clarification on this or links to good references would
be very much appreciated.

Barbara Henhapl

Hi Frankod,

I can only tell my experience. I recommend strongly to verify in your
environment. After changing 'Publish' to 'No', I can see following (SP2, CU
Dec 2009):
- No impact on cubes, data as actual work, actual costs, ... are still
- No change in 'Resource Availability' in PWA (data still available)
- No change in 'Resource Assignments' in PWA (data still available)
- Data is still available in MSP_EpmAssignmentByDay_UserView, which I use
for most of the reports.

But: Tasks are not displayed in "My Tasks" as wanted.

What anomalies are you seeing? Could you be more specific please?


Thanks Barbara,

The broader environment is a bit complex... I think we have some schedule
corruption as Resource Center Actual work values are different to those
displayed in the Project Schedule which are different again to those shown in
the OLAP cube..... ( I know the whole need to publish and rebuild the cube
requirement etc)

In addition this organisation take a unconventional approach to baselines
and am getting some strange values here as well.

The purpose of this request was to see if Setting the task to not publish
should case any variations and from your response, and another I received, I
think I can eliminate that as a potential cause, which is good as that is
what I was hoping for. Thank you.

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