import 2007 calendar to outlook 2000



I enter my boss's calendar info in my Outlook 2007 calendar, created sharing
guidelines; but my boss's Outlook 2000 won't accept the "shared calendar" (a
"v calendar"). Can this be done?


How are you attempting to "share" it?
If you just want what you entered in your bosses Calendar then try exporting
from Outlook 2007 to a PST file then open (don't import) that file and copy
the appointments over from a table view.
Outlook 2000 doesn't support Outlook 2007 Unicode PST files. I'm not sure if
an export does Unicode or the older ANSI (I'd need to check). So, if you
have an issue opening the PST file in Outlook 2000 try exporting another
format such as CSV and then import that.

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