Import Actual Work PSI


Gerardo Abal


I want to import actual work to Project from a 3rd party database, I've
relation betweens task, resources and projects.

It's necesary to create and submit a timesheet or it's possible to import
the actual work directly?

Thakns in advance.


I'm trying to do exactly the same thing. I've created task and resource
custom fields and have created code based on SDK to map from the 3rd party db
to Project assignments. I'm stuck right now on creating the timesheets. The
security permissions for the program login doesn't include the ability to
create a timesheet for another resource. I've opened a case, but this seems
to be new territory for the people who are helping me.



I believe this is exactly what I'm looking for too!!! Anyone out there -
helping ?? Please....

George skrev:


I have been working with this and you need to use impersonation for the
actual timesheet creation and create the timesheet with the user's logon and
not the service account. The 'example' is the sdk is very bloated and in my
mind was a pain to figure out. I currently have a trigger that when the
timesheet is submitted, it is automatically imported into the task view of
the user, and then submitted to the project plan. I also called microsoft
about this and they were zero help. It seems that there are few people that
know about project server 2007. The example has you generating a file that is
not even needed. I will try and get together another post with what I did and
post it back here.


I had a case with MS technical support on this. They said that impersonation
is the way to go and pointed me to the SDK. My next step is to extract from
SDK only what I need for the impersonation, but I haven't been able to figure
out how to do that yet. I would be very grateful for some simple sample code
that does this.

Many thanks,


I have also been trying to import Actual Work via the PSI, with no luck. I
was able to figure out that I needed to use impersonation, but so far have
not been able to get impersonation to work correctly for this application.
I, too, would be very grateful if someone who has gotten this to work would
post an example!


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