it should work the same in both versions.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center:
Outlook Tips by email:
[email protected]
EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
[email protected]
How many email accounts are in your main Outlook profile?
Sorry Diane, I noticed your vcard link mentions Outlook 2007 as I have
only Outlook 2003. And ours looks to be a GAL DL.
Thanks all for the responses so far, much appreciated. But our new DL
needs each of their individual email addresses to start off with which
as in time individual members would then need to be added/removed so
having the other whole group DL in there won't give us granularity.
I've also tried copying/pasting and then expanding them but it just
pastes their names and not their individual email addresses which I
need to put the bulk of these into the new DL, so still researching
Yes. Is it an outlook DL or a GAL DL?
You can get a list of members by forwarding an Outlook DL as a vcard.
To get the gal list, add it to a message, expand it and copy the
names. Paste in a message, notepad, where ever and edit. Outlook will
correctly resolve the names.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center:
Outlook Tips by email:
[email protected]
EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
[email protected]
How many email accounts are in your main Outlook profile?
Hello, is there a way to bulk extract the individual email addresses
from an existing Distribution List Membership group and import/copy
them into another new slightly different group instead of having to
go in manually one-by-one when adding/assigning members in the
'Modify Members' section? Thanks in advance.