Import data from excel to MPP and set to outline levels



I wish to import a number of tasks from an excel spread sheet to an exist'g
project file. The existing project file has been set with a WBS structure and
outline level set to the WBS, is it possible to import the new data to
automatically sort to an outline level set by the WBS I.D included in excel
file ?
Any information would be gratefully received.


Thank you for the information sent, I have added a column 'outline level'
into the exist'g excel spread sheet and set outline levels as required 1-4 to
import to project . Unfortunately for some unknown reason after the import to
MPP, some of the values set in the excel spread sheet as an outline level
have changed. (Not all ?)
Any ideas.
If this can be resolved it will help a great deal and solve alot of my
Once again I would like to thank you for your assistance and look forward to
hearing from you soon.
kind Regards

Jan De Messemaeker


For instance, when a task with OLL 2 is followed by a task with OLL 4,
Project can't handle that - OLLs only jump one at the time, and the 4 will
be changed into a 3. That may in turln influence the next ones...


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


Thank's Jan,
I will try a couple of tests and see what happens ! I might have to rethink
the import and carry out the outlining manually.

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