Import Daytimer Files

  • Thread starter Carl H. Horst [chorst01
  • Start date

Carl H. Horst [chorst01

How do you import a Daytimer 2000 file into Outlook
2003? The only help found so far is a Microsoft
Knowledge Base Article - 174577 "OL97: How to import Day-
Timer 2.0 Data Files Into Outlook." Unfortunately, it
does not solve the problem for Outlook 2003. Exporting
the file from Daytimer 2000 into an ASCII file is no
problem. Itis the imporet side of the problem that will
not work. Into Outlook 2003, after selecting File --
Import and Export -- Import From another program or file -
- Comma Separated Values (Windows) and then selecting
the previously exported ASCII file and a destination
folder (corresponding to the exported data file), Outlook
2003 opens a dialogue box titled "Import a File" and
requires the user to "Change Destination." Herein lies
the problem, no destination folder will accept the
exported ASCII file. Any ideas?


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