Import Excel data to Access



I am trying to Import Excel fiel into Access but the text is truncated at 255
chars. I have a predefined table and set the field as memo too, .but still no
use. I ma using the Trnsferspreadsheet command and the import process has to
be automated. I tried readincell by cell to input into the table too but even
taht gets only 255 chars. Any suggestions, help is greatly appreciated. I am
at a loss and have tried everything, at least I think I have.


I dunno, but I been told
That Excel truncates cell contents to 255 characters.

It does do this when copying one cell to another when the first cell contains
more than 255 characters.

I'm guessing the same principle holds here.

If so, you're SOL.


Thank you DrZilboorg. I am sure someone else might have had to this and there
has to be a way.

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