import excel data to access


Kevin Labore


I apology since this may not be the best group to ask this question:

I have excel spreadsheets that I am trying import into tables to be able to
utilize Access for reporting
I do not have access to the original data from which the spreadsheets were

The spreadsheets contains data from several hundred stores, and for each
store had several seasonal category sales.
Each Spreadsheet would contain the sales totals (to-that-date) for each
store(row) and then 3 cols of data for each category
(the 3 cols , Sales $, % of sell thu, units remaining). For the same
year/season the spreadsheets are usually indentical, for each season 5 to
about 20 categories (cols) and 3 different info (Sales $, % of sell thu,
units remaining) for each Category. Christmas for example would have the
most categories. (Seasons would be like Valentines, Easter, Xmas, Summer,
etc) Each year the spreadsheets are slightly different (most of catergories
are same) however due to store closing/openings stores may not be indentical
and to further complicate things last year a few dozen stores were also were
numbered (atlhough I could probably modify the spreadsheets to fix that or
ad a table show old/new #'s) Each season I have about about 10-20 sheets ,
and each sheet in the running total for that date.(for example for Xmas I
might have a sheet Xmas121504 and Xmas122004, the sheet for Xmas121504 might
have $1,000 for XmasTrees for Store 123 and for Xmas122004 it might be
$1,500 both of which are running total for the date the sheet was created.

I have exported things to Excel from Access and worked with data that way
which some things are easier in Excel but I havent really imported to Access
from Excel and I am not sure where to begin....I am trying to figure out a
plan of how to go about this with the least amount of time and labor.
I could like tables to each spreadsheet or import the data several ways.

What I was sort of thinking of creating tables
Seasonal Categories (the names and SeasonaCatID) for each
category for each Season
Seasonal Names(The names and SeasonNameID) for each season
Seasonal Detail(Table with seasonal detail) I could modify each
spreadsheet to have season code and date col to import
StoreNum (this would have store #, District, Region info for
store #'s ) to be able to do reports by Dist/Reg/Store

Can someone tell where I can find examples and offerr some suggestions of
how to go about this?
One I get the data imported to tables I can work with it




Kevin said:

I apology since this may not be the best group to ask this question:

I have excel spreadsheets that I am trying import into tables to be
able to
utilize Access for reporting
I do not have access to the original data from which the spreadsheets

The spreadsheets contains data from several hundred stores, and for
store had several seasonal category sales.
Each Spreadsheet would contain the sales totals (to-that-date) for
store(row) and then 3 cols of data for each category
(the 3 cols , Sales $, % of sell thu, units remaining). For the same
year/season the spreadsheets are usually indentical, for each season 5
about 20 categories (cols) and 3 different info (Sales $, % of sell
units remaining) for each Category. Christmas for example would have
most categories. (Seasons would be like Valentines, Easter, Xmas,
etc) Each year the spreadsheets are slightly different (most of
are same) however due to store closing/openings stores may not be
and to further complicate things last year a few dozen stores were also
numbered (atlhough I could probably modify the spreadsheets to fix that
ad a table show old/new #'s) Each season I have about about 10-20
sheets ,
and each sheet in the running total for that date.(for example for Xmas
might have a sheet Xmas121504 and Xmas122004, the sheet for Xmas121504
have $1,000 for XmasTrees for Store 123 and for Xmas122004 it might be
$1,500 both of which are running total for the date the sheet was

I have exported things to Excel from Access and worked with data that
which some things are easier in Excel but I havent really imported to
from Excel and I am not sure where to begin....I am trying to figure
out a
plan of how to go about this with the least amount of time and labor.
I could like tables to each spreadsheet or import the data several

What I was sort of thinking of creating tables
Seasonal Categories (the names and SeasonaCatID) for each
category for each Season
Seasonal Names(The names and SeasonNameID) for each season
Seasonal Detail(Table with seasonal detail) I could modify each
spreadsheet to have season code and date col to import
StoreNum (this would have store #, District, Region info for
store #'s ) to be able to do reports by Dist/Reg/Store

Can someone tell where I can find examples and offerr some suggestions
how to go about this?
One I get the data imported to tables I can work with it


Use File, Get External Data, Import in Access.



About 5 posts below this, is another post titled Table(s) Design. In Jeff
Boyce's response, he offers a very good suggestion for how to go about
determining what design you might want to begin with, for a database.

Good luck.


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