Import External Data from Excel - delimited type issue.. ?



I have an Excel 2003 file, which has multiple columns, one of which is for
CountryName. I import this to Access. Every country name is imported, with
the exception of "South Africa, Republic of". To overcome this, I remove
the comma in the .xls - then import.

Why does Access not 'see' this data within a column? I could understand if
I was being asked by the import wizard on delimited/fixed choices etc, but as
it's Excel,
I assumed it would bring in all of the column, or at least let me know data
was being missed.

Thanks for any feedback.
John Stewart

John Nurick

Hi John,

I can't reproduce this and have never heard of it before.

If you
1) create a new workbook
2) enter a few rows of similar data including a column of country names
3) save and exit Excel
4) import into Acces

does "South Africa, Republic of" import OK?

And if you save your existing workbook as CSV and examine it with a text
editor, is there anything unusual about the South African record(s)?


Hi John,

I followed your suggestion of new workbook, imported it without issues.
Also, saved it as a .csv - opened it with notepad, again, nothing strange

However, I do know by removing the comma from the string, within the Excel
colum, allowed me to view the South African data in Access. Before, it just
did not appear :-( (leaving me to run about six months of work again,
bahh) - just thought I'd post it here, hoping somebody had seen the same

Thanks for the feedback.


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