Import external data > New database quearry



Dear all,

I am trying to import data from the quearry from access. But after pressing
finish button of quearry wizard, the message appeares... "Syntex error in
FORM Clause. Do i need to set any other way to import quearry from ms access
or quearry cannot be imported! ( which is not possible to believ ). Any help
in this regard will help me lot.


Try performing the same query using access instead of excel. There may be an
error in the database.


Hi Joel,

Thanks for reply. But i tried at my office pc and at my home also. Same
answer is recd. Is it possible that the table used for the quearry are link


If the query is working in access, then there probably an incompatiblity in
versions of exc el verses accesss. You may want to look at the SQL statement
that is generated in excel to see if you can locate the problem. On the last
menu of the Query wizard in Excel there is an option to edit the query. Look
at the SQL statements to see if there is anything that may be causing a

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