Import External Data/New WEB Query


Carl Hopkins

I have a spreadsheet that does a Data/Import External Data/Web Query to get
data from a table on a web page. It has worked for years. On January 31,
a change was made to the web page and my query stopped working with the
following message: "Unable to open ;
internet site reports that a connection was established but the data is not
available." (The actual url varies. This happens with multiple pages while
wotking with other pages from the same provider.) I have redone the query
with the same results. I tried MSN and also got the same results.
Yahoo'sresponse was they they don't know what the problem is but it isn't
anything at their end so they can't/won't do anything. I really rely on this
feature and it's absence is hurting. Anyone got any ideas? I have also
discovered through posts like this, that I am not the only one getting this
error on various pages. Since i know the web page changeed, does anyone know
what one does to a web page that produces this result? Carl
(Running current XP and Office 2003)

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