Import External Date/Web query problem


Carl Hopkins

I have a spreadsheet that does a Data/Import External Data/Web Query to get
data from my Yahoo stock portfolio. It has worked for years. On January 31,
Yahoo made a change to their web page and my query stopped working with the
following message: "Unable to open The
internet site reports that a connection was established but the data is not
available." I have redone the query with the same results. Interestingly, I
can query other tables on Yahoo, just nothing on their finance page. I tried
MSN and also got the same results from a stock portfolio I set up there.
Yahoo fianance's response was they they don't know what the problem is but it
isn't anything at their end so they can't/won't do anything. I really rely
on this feature and it's absence is hurting. Anyone got any ideas? Carl
(Running current XP and Office 2003)

Carl Hopkins


I gather by your response that you had no problem? Mine still does not
work. What is also very insteresting is that you got the "Views:...." line.
That is not even an option on my screen. Each arrow in the yellow box
represents one table. Click on it and it turns green and you get to (try) to
import that table. But on my screen, the line with "Views: Basic etc through
[Create New View] is not a table! there is no arrow there. I can (try to)
import the ads above it or the detail below it but not that line.

What do you suppose is different between our import views that causes mine
to fail while yours obviously works.


Don Guillett said:
Views: Basic [edit] - DayWatch - Performance - Fundamentals - DonView -
Real-time ECN - Detailed - [Create New View] Symbol Name Last Trade Last Td
Size Change Volume Prev Cls Open 52-wk Range EPS (ttm) P/E Ex-Div Prev Cls
^DJI DOW JONES INDUSTR Feb 3 10,793.62 N/A -58.36 -0.54%
N/A 10,851.98 10,849.57 9,961.52 - 11,

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)
Carl Hopkins said:
I have a spreadsheet that does a Data/Import External Data/Web Query to get
data from my Yahoo stock portfolio. It has worked for years. On January
Yahoo made a change to their web page and my query stopped working with
following message: "Unable to open
internet site reports that a connection was established but the data is
available." I have redone the query with the same results.
Interestingly, I
can query other tables on Yahoo, just nothing on their finance page. I
MSN and also got the same results from a stock portfolio I set up there.
Yahoo fianance's response was they they don't know what the problem is but
isn't anything at their end so they can't/won't do anything. I really
on this feature and it's absence is hurting. Anyone got any ideas? Carl
(Running current XP and Office 2003)

Don Guillett

I back up. I had no problem opening the file but when I tried to import to
excel, as you had done, I also got the same message. At the moment, I can't
remember why.

Please feel free to goto the files section of xltrader yahoo group and look
in the files section. I have a couple of free files there under the author

I now off to watch the super bowl so computer is going to bed.

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)
Carl Hopkins said:

I gather by your response that you had no problem? Mine still does not
work. What is also very insteresting is that you got the "Views:...."
That is not even an option on my screen. Each arrow in the yellow box
represents one table. Click on it and it turns green and you get to (try)
import that table. But on my screen, the line with "Views: Basic etc
[Create New View] is not a table! there is no arrow there. I can (try
import the ads above it or the detail below it but not that line.

What do you suppose is different between our import views that causes mine
to fail while yours obviously works.


Don Guillett said:
Views: Basic [edit] - DayWatch - Performance - Fundamentals - DonView -
Real-time ECN - Detailed - [Create New View] Symbol Name Last Trade Last
Size Change Volume Prev Cls Open 52-wk Range EPS (ttm) P/E Ex-Div Prev
^DJI DOW JONES INDUSTR Feb 3 10,793.62
N/A -58.36 -0.54%
N/A 10,851.98 10,849.57 9,961.52 - 11,

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)
Carl Hopkins said:
I have a spreadsheet that does a Data/Import External Data/Web Query to
data from my Yahoo stock portfolio. It has worked for years. On
Yahoo made a change to their web page and my query stopped working with
following message: "Unable to open
internet site reports that a connection was established but the data is
available." I have redone the query with the same results.
Interestingly, I
can query other tables on Yahoo, just nothing on their finance page. I
MSN and also got the same results from a stock portfolio I set up
Yahoo fianance's response was they they don't know what the problem is
isn't anything at their end so they can't/won't do anything. I really
on this feature and it's absence is hurting. Anyone got any ideas?
(Running current XP and Office 2003)

Carl Hopkins

No solution yet. My problem with the download is that it doesn't have all
the data fields I want. I can set which fields I get on the query because I
can edit the basic view. But the download is just what Yahoo wants, not what
I display.

What is really strange is that I CAN query some (many) Yahoo pages, but not
the finance page. So I switched to MSN and found the same error on their
portfolio finance page!


Don Guillett

I took another look at this morning and could not get the portfolio to stick
on an import or on a query using the url so all I can suggest is that you
use my program in xltraders or something similar to build your portfolio.

Carl Hopkins

Don, Thanks. I know there are other ways to gee the data into my
spreadsheet, but I guess I am a bit stubborn. I like the WEB Query methos
and am going to try and find out why it broke and get it working again. In
the meantme I will use one of the other methods to get me by. Thanks for
pointing out the xltraders site. Lots of good stuff there. Carl

Don Guillett

My FREE program, and others, DO use a web query but not of YOUR portfolio.
You can create your own symbols and then use the data to do whatever you
desire. Contact me privately for custom work.

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