Import file Pipe Charactrer


Peter Nunez

My access 2002 will not allow me to import a datafile
using the pipe charactrer |. I know that excel can. I
can't change this character in my data file because the
data comes from an outside source. Is there an option in
access that I can change that will allow me to use the
pipe char?

Thanks, Peter

Cheryl Fischer

After you have selected the file to import, you will see the Import Wizard
window. Click the "Advanced" button and change the delimiter by typing in
the Pipe symbol. You can then name and save the Import Specification for
future use.

Dirk Goldgar

Peter Nunez said:
The import file wizard does not recognize the pipe
character. I've been told, but no one knows how, that
there is an option that needs to be set for the pipe
character to be recognized. Does anyone know how to do

I just tested it and it worked fine. Are we talking about the same pipe
character, Chr(124)?

Cheryl Fischer

Yes, the Import File Wizard does recognize a Pipe symbol in a text file,
presuming that is what you are importing.

As soon as you click File|Get External Data|Import and select your file, the
first Import Wizard screen appears. First, select Delimited File from the
option group at the top of the window, then click the Advanced button at the
bottom of the window.

The next window has a combo box labeled "Field Delimiter" in the first row -
it has a comma as its default value. Delete the comma and insert a Pipe.
Click the "Next" button and answer the prompts to finish your import.


Can you import it or change it into a "Text" file?
Whenever we have a problem importing that usually fixes it.

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