Import filter for Access 2007 missing



I am trying to import a contacts table from a Access 2007 *.accdb database
into outlook 2007. However all I am presented with in the outlook import
dialog is:
"Import/Export -> Import from another program or file -> Microsoft Access
There is no import filter for Access 2007 and selecting the available
"Microsoft Access 97-2003" Filter, does not show me any available databases.
I am using Vista x86 Ultimate and did a fresh install off Office and Vista
with no previous versions present. Office is installed with all available
options and accessories.

Thank you


Karl Timmermans

There are no import/export filters available in O'2K7 for either Excel or
Access '2K7 out of the box and I haven't seen any being available separately
from anywhere as of yet. Not included in the MS Office File Compatibility

To import your data - save your .accdb database in either Access '2000 or
Access '2002-'2003 format. For exporting - follow the process in reverse by
selecting Access '97-2003 format.

Suspect your reaction would be that this doesn't make sense (no argument)
but there are a number of things that appear to have been overlooked in
general. As an aside, so far, it also appears that the only program that can
dynamically create a specific Access database version ('2000, '2002-'2003,
'2007) is MS Access '2007 itself - functionality is not otherwise easily
available programmatically, at least not that we've been able to find or
MS has been able to tell us as of yet. All just the way it is right now.

Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"


The funny thing is that R. Jennings describes in his "using Access 2007" book
an import option in Outlook for Access 2007 files. There is even a screen
shot of the referring Outlook screen.

Any ideas?


Karl Timmermans

Don't have the book mentioned to see what the screenshot is showing but if
it "specifically" shows and refers to importing 'accdb' files, then I've
something. Beyond that can't comment on what's contained in the book but it
would be interesting to know if the screenshot shows the importing of an
..mdb file or .accdb file. Also to clarify, my response was/is in reference
<MS Outlook '2007> and NOT <MS Outlook '2007 with Business Contact
Manager> which has different import/export functionality.

By default unless you manually change the file extension, <native> Access
'2007 files have the .ACCDB file extension and <native> Access '2000 and
'2002-'2003 file formats have the .MDB file extension. Using literary
license, technically all could be considered MS Access '2007 files
especially if one has never used any other version of MS Access before or is
not familiar with the difference in the various database file formats which
generically are referred to as MS Access databases. An example of this
can be seen in "Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Inside Out"
(published by O'Reilly) under the section
"Integrating Outlook with Other Office Applications
Importing Contacts from Access".


PS - Access '2007 (like prior versions) allows you to change the "default"
database format used/created to be other then the native Access '2007
..accdb file format. Also technically - there really is no such thing as a
MS Access format since MS Access is only an IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) for desktop database development
using the appropriate OLEDB database drivers (Jet 4.0 in the case of
Access '2000-'2003 program versions and ACE 12.0 for Access '2007)

Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"

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