import filter


Jeff Fredel

Can and how do I filter records from a text file for input into an access

I have a 2.7 million record dataset which is approx 1.2 gb that I need to
get into Access but I only require records that match a particular criteria.
Any thoughts would be great appreciated.

John Nurick

Hi Jeff,

I would do this by filtering out the records I wanted at the text file
stage, using a tool from the Unix world such as Perl, grep or awk. All
exist in free Windows versions, Perl from and . The idea is to create a smaller text
file containing only the records you need. It's also possible using text
file tools to strip out any fields you don't want.

Alternatively, it should be possible to link to the text file. Either
create an ordinary linked table and use this as the source for an append
query that copies the data you need into your table; or use a SQL append
query that gets the data directly from the text file with syntax like
FROM [Text;HDR=Yes;Database=C:\MyFolder\;].MyFile#txt
WHERE blah blah

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 11:25:04 -0800, "Jeff Fredel" <Jeff

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