import fixed-length text file into excel



- 2 2299 Del Pietro M Wintervill NC 1:18:26 2:44:0
2:44:11 6:16
- 1 2045 Robert Marchinko M Salisbury NC 1:15:34 2:31:1
2:31:20 5:47

I have a text file where each field starts at same column and of th
same length in each record.

I tried cut&Paste,
I tried opening it in excel as a tab delimited file
I tried as a fixed-length file

None of these worked. Data came in scrambled or into scrunched columns

If the data were a table then cut&paste works great.

What's the secret in loading above 2 records into Excel? I couldn'
simulate the look in this post for the above sample data. The 3rd fiel
is a name the 4th field is either M or F, 5th field is the Cioy, next i
State, last 4 fields are numbers but should be treated as text.

Thanks for any assistance

Roger Govier


Did you try marking the block of Data, then Data>Text to Columns>Fixed
I tried it after copying the 2 records you posted and it seemed to work
OK for me.


That worked great.

Thanks Roger.

I have a couple more questions .. will post new thread on converting a
column into upper case;
2nd) merginging two columns of names into one clumn with a spce between

Roger Govier


Copy down column.
Mark column of converted data>Copy>cursor to A1>Paste Special>Values
In new column where you want the concatenated result
=A1&" "&B1
Copy down column

Cahge A1, B1 etc. to relevant references for your use.

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