Import Hyperlink Data




I am importing organization chart from an Excel file. For each Excel
record, there is hyperlink to an external Word document that has detail info
about the record.

The import to Visio 2007 Pro works fine for the records, and the org chart,
displayed correctly. However, the hyperlinks are imported as text fields. I
have to manually link each Visio box to the external Word file. I then
generate the Web code to display the chart. But manually linking the
hyperlinks is tedious, especially if the spreadsheet changes and I need to
regenerate the Visio org chart.

Is there a way to import those hyperlinks and they alive ?

Thanks for the help.


Thank you David for your answer.

I have been trying to implement your solution, but it seems I am missing

Here are what I did:

1) Created an Excel spreadsheet with 4 columns, Parent, Child, Date, Link.
Added few recods

2) Using Visio 2007, I opened a new File > New > Business > Org Chart Wizard

3) In the wizard, I selected the option for information already stored in a
file > Excel > ... > Field Name: Child, Report to: Parent > selected all
fields to display > selected all field columns to add to chart.

4) Then I used Data > Link Data to shape and pointed to the same
spreadsheet. The "External Data Sheet" opened.

5) Then Data > Automatically Link...

6) Then used Apply Data Graphic > Edit Data Graphics, and made sure to add
the Link field to the list, displayed as text.

7) Then Save as Web Page...VML is the output format...

8) Displayed in IE 7, allowing the ActiveX...

Still the links are not live....

What am I missing ?

Thanks again for the help

David Parker

OK. In Item 5, did you map Child to Child?

Item 6 is not necessary - in fact you probably don't want any text in your
Data Graphics for Organisation Chart shapes!

So, do you get hyperlinks on each shape in Visio before your export? I
added a column, Link, to the sample OrgData.xls supplied with Visio, and I
got hyperlinks by following your method.


Thank you for following up with me.

I got it to work. It seems the way the hyperlinks created in Excel was not
correct. When I recreated the links in Excel using Insert hyperlink...
things worked well.

Now the box is linked when clicked. When I Cntr-Click, I get the details
sheet on the left for that item. Could I also make the link there live ?

Truly appreaciate the help.


David Parker

The link address in the properties is just text, so you would need to write
your own JavaScript functions to recognise that they are links


Thanks John for the workaround. But with hundreds of records, would that
mean going into each record to change the hyperlink ?
Would the change be in the spreadsheet or the shapesheet ?



Hi David,

It seems to me that importing hyperlinks into Visio work irratically. Not
sure what I am doing wrong. Following the same steps, sometimes the links
are live, most of times are not.

As you point out below, the issue seems in the import/data link, as I don't
get the hyperlinks in the shapes BEFORE exporting into web pages. Links to
children or parent nodes (from one page to another within visio) are OK, but
not the data hyperlinks. If I add the hyperlinks manually to the shapes in
Visio, they are preserved when exported as web pages. So the issue is when
importing/linking data.

In your blog, the second pic shows "Shape Data Sheet". Where do u get that
from? When I click the menu Window / Show ShapeSheet, I get a different view.

Any tip, as what could be the reason ? Just puzzled !

Thanks again for the help.

John Goldsmith

Hello Omar,

The Shape Data Sheet is made visible from View / Shape Data Window. It's
the data associated with a particular shape (what was called Custom
Properties in version prior to 2007).

If you're saying that you can see the imported hyperlinks but not use them,
then did you adapt the JavaScript file as per my suggestion?

You could then adapt the hyperlinks text in Excel prior to importing them
into Visio.

Best regards


John Goldsmith

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