Hi Fred!
If you weren't aware already, only the iCal Entourage category will sync
with Entourage. If your iCal events aren't part of that category then
they won't sync to Entourage.
A set of steps that usually works for me:
1. In Entourage --> Preferences... Sync Services disable all syncing.
2. Open iSync from /Applications and select iSync --> Preferences... and
click the Reset Sync History button.
3. Wait about five minutes.
4. Return to Entourage and re-enable Sync Services. Allow Entourage to
overwrite other sync sources.
Hope this helps!
Well, more logically, you would think syncing with iCal would mean that you
would not have to leave Entourage to look at your day. Nothing like
organizing Work and Home calendars then, hey, "Let's add another one called
Entourage" which says nothing about the events or anything about my day. Hm,
meeting tomorrow at 3pm, that seems like an "Entourage" meeting, let me put
it on my Entourge calendar.
I have used Windows office products for years, the quality of this product
is terrible compared to Office 2007. I can open documents with Mac Word 2008
that crash the program (specifically documents with tables in them and other
documents with HTML in them). The same documents in Word 2007 (Windows) work
fine. Most of the time, when I open Mac Word 2008, it will sit for almost a
full minute before the document opens and control is returned to the
Macros? Don't even get me started on that. This is not Office for Mac, this
is an office type program for Mac. If you are going to make a cross-platform
product, you tend to want to make it somewhat similar on all platforms. I
have to have Office for Windows to do all of our business functions due to
VBA code in some of our Excel spreadsheets. I was really hoping I could
complete me switch. I can't even write the VBA code in applescript on my
computer and maintain the VBA code/Applescript code in the same document.
There is no way to work together in the Office with this product.
There is my once per decade complaint. I like my Mac a lot, but Office for
Windows is more mature, the Mac business unit needs to work more closely
with the Windows Office business unit, Entourage looks like something that
should be running on Gnome Linux.