Import partial record from text file string



Hi ng.
Using xl 2003

I need to import first 9 chars from every line in text file and outpu
beginning at
A2 and down til EOF of text file.

Current file has 9500 lines, but will vary weekly

Here's my current code:

Sub Import_Test()
Dim datafile$
Dim a1 As String * 9

datafile$ = "C:\emory_fv\emory_fv.txt"
On Error GoTo DiskError

Open datafile$ For Input As #1

With Range("A1")
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, a1
.Offset(srow, 0) = a1
srow = srow + 1
End With
Close #1

Exit Sub

a = MsgBox("Disk Error." & Err.Number, vbExclamation)

End Su

Tom Ogilvy

Sub Import_Test()
Dim datafile$
Dim a1 As string
Dim sRow as Long

datafile$ = "C:\emory_fv\emory_fv.txt"
On Error GoTo DiskError

Open datafile$ For Input As #1

With Range("A1")
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, a1
srow = srow + 1
.Offset(srow, 0).value = left(a1,9)
End With
Close #1

Exit Sub

a = MsgBox("Disk Error." & Err.Number, vbExclamation)

End Sub

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