Welcome to the newsgroup. When you say you want to import a Project
document I assume you want to capture a "snapshot" of the Project window
and paste it onto a Powerpoint sheet. Rather than go through the details
here I suggest you go to the help file in Project and look for "copy
picture". You will basically be using the little camera icon to capture
the Gantt chart view and then pasting it onto the viewgraph. From my
experience, it will take some playing with the image (i.e. sizing,
cropping, etc.) to get just what you want. It also helps it you don't
try to capture too large (i.e. too many rows) a Project file and you may
find that collapsing rows to summary lines and changing the timescale of
the graphical part of the Gantt chart display will make it more readable
once it is in Powerpoint.
If you are really adventurous, you can also paste a link of a Project
object into Powerpoint. I have never done that, but again, the help file
can give you the steps.
Hope this helps.