import RBS and resources information from legacy system to Project



Dear All,

Please help me to solve the following problem:
The task is to implement a tool intended for import all resources with RBS
(Resource breakdown structure) from legacy system to Project Server’s
database. I know how to import information concerning RBS and resources using
PDS API. But the problem is that I could not find any way to assign each
imported resource to some brain of imported RBS. There are PDS API’s
ResourcesAdd and ResourcesUpdate functions, but they don’t provide all
required functionality: they allow specifying standard fields: Name, Type,
Initials and fields like this, but there is no RBS filed. It seems that the
reason for it is that RBS is additional field which should to be added to
Resource Sheet using Insert Column menu item. Is there any way to import
resources with RBS filed to the Project Server 2003?

Thank you in advance


You could use what we used to call the "magic" project. It's a project plan
with no tasks and only resources which allows you to emulate a batch load of
resources. It's late and I'm doing this from memory so hopefully, this is
all correct and doesn't ramble too much. :) If not, I'll post more later
this morning.

First, you define any resource custom fields in the enterprise global that
you need. If you only want resource name and RBS, you simply have to define
all of the values for the RBS. I believe this can be imported, but I would
have to look at the client to verify. Also, I would advise having their
Windows Account info (domain/account) and email address info filled in. It's
easier to load the info here than doing it one at a time in PWA.

Second, turn on the resource autocreate permission. Most people have this
turned off so you will need someone with PS admin rights to either grant it
to you or to turn it on. Basically, the right creates a resource
automatically if the resource is new on your plan and doesn't exist in the
server. You can see how this might create "issues". So, I find it's usually

Next, create a blank project. Switch to the resource sheet view. Add in
the field columns in the order you have them in your source file. In your
case, that may simply Open the source file and copy all. Paste into Project.
If you are lucky, everything pasted fine here. You may have to do some

Save the project as an mpp file. Close it. Now, import the project into
Project Server (tools, enterprise options, import project to enterprise).
When you get to the resources step, I believe there is an option to specify
the resource as an enterprise resource and/or set it to the enterprise
calendar. Again, I don't have it in front of me. Continue with the import
process after setting the values correctly.

When the project is imported, it will autocreate all of the resources for
you. If you filled in the Windows account info, it will create them
requiring windows authentication.

Once created, you will have to go in and assign the new resources to the
correct security groups. The new resources will default to the team member

We were able to load 200 resources like this without issue.

I hope this helps.


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


I don't understand your recommendation. Why would you import the project
plan rather than use Import Resources to Enterprise? What do you gain
besides a cleanup job to remove the "magic" plan?

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