Michael Warnken
I have a spreadhseet that is not importing all of the
data. Is is a freebie Template and it does not show the
MArket Cap, EPS, P/E Ratio, Volume and shares
outstanding. What do I do?
I would like to import daily information on the following:
Also, I am adding a second segment for Debt securities.
3-Month US Treasury Bill
6-Month US Treasury Bill
1-Year US Treasury Note
2-Year US Treasury Note
5-Year US Treasury Note
10-Year US Treasury Note
30-Year US Treasury Bond
Prime Rate
6 Month Libor
11th District Cost of Funds
Fannie Mae
Freddy Mac
Ginnie Mae
data. Is is a freebie Template and it does not show the
MArket Cap, EPS, P/E Ratio, Volume and shares
outstanding. What do I do?
I would like to import daily information on the following:
Also, I am adding a second segment for Debt securities.
3-Month US Treasury Bill
6-Month US Treasury Bill
1-Year US Treasury Note
2-Year US Treasury Note
5-Year US Treasury Note
10-Year US Treasury Note
30-Year US Treasury Bond
Prime Rate
6 Month Libor
11th District Cost of Funds
Fannie Mae
Freddy Mac
Ginnie Mae