Import Wizard


Edgar Thoemmes

I have the following code which I have patched together
from some of my code and some I have ripped from past
entries on the Newsgroup but I have hit a brick wall.

I have a worksheet with two sheets. Menu and Table_import.

The macro should import the all the values of the workbook
fname which is generated from the
Application.GetOpenFilename method. It should then add all
sheet names to a list box (lst_sheetnames) I have on a
userform called frm_sheetnames.

The user then select which sheet they want to import in
using a cmd button called cmd_select.

I have two problems with this. for somereason it is not
adding the sheet names to the list box. Also how would I
carry on running the macro when the user clicks cmd_select.

Also when it comes up with the error subscript out of
range and doesnt copy the data from fname?

Any help would be appreciated.


Edgar Thoemmes

Sub Import_Wizard()
Dim fname As String
Dim oWb As Workbook
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim shName As String

'Get file path for import

ChDrive "S"
ChDir "S:\Kingston\FA\Overseas Payments\Overseas Payments
fname = Application.GetOpenFilename()

'Check that a file was selected
If fname <> "" Then
Set oWb = Workbooks.Open(fname)

'load form

'Copy sheet names to list (lst_sheetnames) on user form
With Workbooks(fname)
For i = 1 To .Worksheets.Count
frm_sheetname.lst_sheetnames.AddItem = .Worksheets(i).Name
Next i
End With

'Need to change Sheet name to to selected item on list???

Windows("Remittance Procedure.xls").Activate

MsgBox ("Please select a Valid File")

End If

End Sub

Jim Cone


To get the worksheet names in the list box, try replacing this line...
frm_sheetname.lst_sheetnames.AddItem = .Worksheets(i).Name
frm_sheetname.lst_sheetnames.AddItem .Worksheets(i).Name

Jim Cone
San Francisco, CA

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