Import Word Data




I have an Access database that I need to automate importing data from a Word
document. The data is in a table. Is it possible to write code to do this?

The document has other header information and the table has a couple of
header rows. I have some code that does a similar thing for an excel
document but I haven't found much in terms of reference information
regarding importing from word other than saving as a text file. I don't
think I want to save as a text file because the output doesn't look very
usable (at least for my level of coding).

Any suggestions or reference info?

John Nurick

Hi LeAnn,

There's no easy way of doing this, especially if there are multiple
header rows, merged cells, paragraph marks within table cells, and other
complications. (Without them, just save the table as a tab-delimited
text file<g>).

Perhaps the most reliable approach is to use Automation to open the Word
document, find the table, and iterate through its rows and columns.

Air code:

Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim oTbl As Word.Table
Dim oRow As Word.Row
Dim oCell As Word.Cell
Dim R as Long, C As Long
Dim rsR As DAO.Recordset

Set oDoc = GetObject("C:\mydoc.doc")
Set oTbl = oDoc.Tables(1)

Set oRow = oTable.Rows(1)
For Each oCell in oRow.Cells
'use oCell.Range.Text to get field names from
'row 1 and/or row 2
'and build a TableDef or CREATE TABLE statement
'create the table

'Open the recordset

'populate it
For R = 3 to oTbl.Rows.Count
Set oRow = oTbl.Rows(R)
For C = 1 to NumberOfFieldsInTable
rsr.Fields(C-1) = oRow.Cells(C).Range.Text



Thanks John, I'll keep this example handy for future need. I decided to
require the users to use an Excel file. I have everything working except one
insert statement.
My code inserts a new record into the parent table and imports one cell
value into the employee code field. This works fine. I then open a
recordset to grab the ID field of the parent record just recreated so I can
relate the other child records that I'm importing from the Excel file (using
loop statements).

Using some debugging methods I am successful in grabbing the values from the
Excel files and storing them into variables. I use those variables in the
INSERT INTO statement. When I run the code, everything works but no child
records are insert. Here is my insert statement. Do I need to convert each
data value into the appropriate data type?

db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblWBCCount(ReqID, SmplNum, RBC, PRP, CodeNum,
LRDate, LRTime, UnitVol, CreatedBy, Created) " _
& "VALUES(" & lngReqID & ",'" & strSmpl & "'," & bolRBC & "," & bolPRP &
",'" & strCode & "', #" & dteLRDate _
& "# ,#" & dteLRTime & "#," & lngVol & ",'" & strUName & "', #" & Now & "#)"

I am not getting any run-time errors.

Thanks for your assistance

John Nurick

The first thing is a bit more debugging. Declare a variable

Dim strSQLInsertChild As String

then instead of your present
db.Execute "INSERT INTO...
strSQLChild = "INSERT INTO...
db.Execute strSQLChild, dbFailOnError

Set a breakpoint on the assignment
strSQLChild = "INSERT INTO...

and when the code breaks there use
? strSQLChild
in the Immediate pane. You can then inspect the SQL to make sure it's
correct - and even copy and paste it into the SQL view of a new query so
you can try it out.


Thanks John. The debugging techniques were what I needed. I discovered my
error. I was violating Primary Key integrity rules. Should have realized

Thanks for your assistance!

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