import xls file into form



Hi there is there a way to import my xls file into a form, and the xls file also get updated daily. If so how do i go about this procedure????

Thanks in advance.


PC Datasheet


If your Excel file has a table-like structure, you can link to the file from
Access. To do this, Go to File - Get External Data and follow the directions. If
you then look in the list of tables, the Excel data will appear as if you
created a table of the data. You can then build your form from the Excel table
just like any other table.

If your Excel file is not table-like, then it is very complicated to get the
Excel data into your form but it can be done. I could do it for you for a
reasonable fee.

PC Datasheet
Your Resource For Help With Access, Excel And Word Applications
(e-mail address removed)

Pam said:
Hi there is there a way to import my xls file into a form, and the xls file
also get updated daily. If so how do i go about this procedure????


Thanks, the xls file has the structure of a table that shouldn't be a problem, is there a way that I can set it up so that it the table imported also updates when the xls file changes


PC Datasheet


That happens automatically! There is actually no data in a linked Access table.
The linked table is only a conduit to the source of the link, the Excel
worksheet in this case. The linked table allows Access to pull in the current
data from the worksheet. So when the data changes in the worksheet, the new data
becomes current and the linked table allows Access to pull in that data.

PC Datasheet

Pam said:
Thanks, the xls file has the structure of a table that shouldn't be a problem,
is there a way that I can set it up so that it the table imported also updates
when the xls file changes?

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