Imported Excel worksheet looks ok on monitor but doesn't print correctly



I am trying to edit 2 slides with Excel worksheets that I imported from another PowerPoint presentation. The original presentation had a white background with black text and lines while the new presentation has a blue background with white text and lines. After importing the Excel worksheets, I changed the line and font colors to white and made sure there was no fill in the background. The slides look great on my monitor but when I print out B&W versions of the slides (which we prefer to give as handouts), the pages come out blank. The other 18 slides in the presentation which includes charts and text, also in white on a blue background, print out fine in B&W. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Echo S

Go to View/Black and White. Then right-click one of the
worksheets/tables/whatever-it-is-in-PPT-now and choose B/W Settings. See if
changing the B/W setting helps.


I have had that problem in the past if the item that is imported is cut and pasted. Try importing as a picture.


-----Original Message-----
I have had that problem in the past if the item that is
imported is cut and pasted. Try importing as a picture.

Thanks for the tips. Just in case this might help someone
else in the future, here is what worked for me. When I
imported the spreadsheet as a picture and ungrouped it,
not only did the spreadsheet look great on the slide but
what had previous been 'invisible' in B&W 'magically'
appeared (without any other tweaking). Importing the
spreadsheet, by itself, didn't change anything --
ungrouping the image was the secret.

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