Imported field violates data integrity



I am importing from a text field in which the client ID can be duplicated. I
have generated a new table called "tblImportClient" where this data goes.
There is no key field so the clientID can be duplicated. I would like to use
the data in this field using an append qry to append (add clients not
currently in my database) the "tblClient" table in which the clientID is the
key field (not an autonumber). How can I append a new client into the
tblClient so that a client is only added once (so i don't violate the key
field rules for the clientID). Thanks for any help.


just run the Append query, from tblImportClient into tblClient. you'll get
an error message saying that not all records can be added due to a key
violation, and asking if you want the query to run anyway. click Yes, and
the non-duplicate records should be added just fine.


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