imported flow charts


sue hopkins

i have a document that has flowcharts brought into it from
powerpoint. this has made my document very large 22+K for
just a 45 page document. i know there's a way to do
someting with the flowchart to make the document smaller,
i just don't know how.

can you help me?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

hi Sue,

How are you placing the objects into Word?
If they're Powerpoint Objects then yes, the
Word file can be huge. Pasting as a graphic
from Edit=>Paste Special or saving as a graphic
from Powerpoint and using Insert=>Picture from
file, if you don't need to edit the result in
Word, may give you a smaller result.

i have a document that has flowcharts brought into it from
powerpoint. this has made my document very large 22+K for
just a 45 page document. i know there's a way to do
someting with the flowchart to make the document smaller,
i just don't know how.

can you help me? >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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