Imported graphics print poorly


John Radigan

I'd like to insert a logo created with Adobe Illustrator into Word documents.
I've tried various methods and file type conversions, but none look or print

What is the correct procedure for getting this type of graphic into Word so
that it prints like the original?

John Radigan

Oh yeah, I guess more detail would be nice... The biggest issue is
sharpness. Color looks OK.

Keith Howell

How does copy in Illustrator, paste in Word look or perhaps screen grab in
Illustrator, paste into Paint then copy and paste from Paint to Word.

Alternatively and very long winded, is it possible to recreate the logo
design directly in Word by tracing the Illustrator design using the Freeform
tool in Wordand then applying the necessary colouring. Take a look at and you might be inspired to have ago. Word is not a
drawing package but it can be used to achieve a lot more than most folk think.

Best of luck


From Illy I'd use File>Export as a TIFF, set the Color Model to RGB in the
TIFF Options & res @ Medium (smaller file size) - Unless commercial printing
is intended. In that case use CMYK Color Model, High res.

In Word use Insert>Picture - From File, but choose Link to File from the
Insert Button's menu in the Insert Picture dialog - linking rather than
embedding keeps file size smaller, just be sure the image is available when
you print.

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