Imported Project does not calulated Work (resource field)


Adrian Bates

I have used the Insert > Project function to insert a MS Project file into a
new template.

On doing the import I unchecked the "link to project" box to do a pure
import without maintaining a link to the original file.

The schedule imported fine with effort, durations and costs all being
identical in both schedules. Resource assignment data looks correct because
resource effort for each calendar month is identical in each schedule.

The problem is that the Work field (in the resource views) is set to 0h for
each resource. I cannot get this to recalculate.

Am I missing something obvious or is this a "feature" of MS Project.

Is there anything else I should be worried about having done this import?

The Project Manager needs confidence that the schedules are identical.

Many thanks,


Hello Adrian,

Well, I don't think there is anything wrong with your file because I
just stepped through your process and both existing files and brand
new files and much to my surprise, I see the exact same thing using
Project 2003 Professional with SP-3.

Interestingly enough, I do not see that occur in Project 2007 SP-1.

I would comment that there is no good reason, in my opinion, why work
wouldn't appear on in the resource view. The work for each assignment
shows correctly in the Resource Usage view, the work is just not
carried to the Resource summary level.

What version including Service pack are you using, Adrian?

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

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Adrian Bates

Hi Julie,

Thanks for the reply.

I'm using MS Project Professional 2003 SP2.

Looks like we have hit on a little "feature" of MSP.

I've done a bit more playing around and found that if I set a %Complete on a
task to 100% it forces a recalculation of the Resource Work and Resource
Actual Work fields but only for the resources assigned to that task.

Then I added a dummy task and assigned all the resources in the schedule to
it and this forced a recalculation of the Resource Work field for all

Removing the dummy task then restores the schedule back to what it was before!

Let me know if you have any more pearls of wisdom!

For example is there a simpler way to force a recalculation of all the
derived fields?


Hi Adrian,

Well, now we're verging on the truly bizarre. I stepped through your
process of adding a dummy task, assigning all resources. Initially I
only saw work for the resources on the dummy task. Pressing F9 to
force a recalculation didn't change that value. However, when I
deleted the task, the total work then shows correctly.

Sorry, no pearls of wisdom here, just shaking my head in wonderment.
For now, I'd suggest the odd process you stumbled upon of adding the
dummy task then removing it. Why it works -- I can't even begin to

I'll post back here if other thoughts strike me.

Thanks for your comments and work on this one Adrian :)



You're welcome Adrian. True importing project files seems to be
behaving oddly but without it, combining multiple projects into one
file for reporting purposes is lost. :-(

Not a good compromise in my eyes.


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