Importing a data from another db




I have created a database and have another one with
similar fields but not all alike that was used in the
past. What I need to do is move the data from the old db
to my new db.

I've looked in my Access reference book and there is no
explanation of this could someone help please...



-----Original Message-----

I have created a database and have another one with
similar fields but not all alike that was used in the
past. What I need to do is move the data from the old db
to my new db.

I've looked in my Access reference book and there is no
explanation of this could someone help please...


John Nurick

Hi Diane,

Assuming that when you say "move the data from the old db to the new db"
you mean from a table in the old database (in an .mdb file) to a table
in the new database (another .mdb file):

1) Open the new database.
2) Use File|Get External Data|Link to create a linked table that gets
its data from the table in the old database.
3) Create an Append query that gets its data from the linked table and
appends the records to the new table. It's possible to make the query
put data from one field in the old table into a differently named field
in the new table, and to adjust the data in various other ways. (For
more information, look in Access Help for "Create an append query" and
"Examples of Expressions").

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