Importing a Flash Component into FP 2003



I am in the developmental stage of a website that I am creating. I created a
Naviagational menu in Macromedia Flash 8 and want to use it in my FP website
as a Navigational Menu.

My question is...I don't know what the code needs to be on the Flash Buttons
to hyperlink my FP webpages. Since it is made in a different program does in
need to hyperlink with the URL(www.) or since the Flash file will be in the
same directory on the server can I just use the "welcome.htm" name as I would
if I were doing a basic hyperlink with FP. Or do i need the complete target
path(Documents and Settings/Mydocuments/Website/........)?

Lost and confused with this one, any help would be appreciated.
FYI all of my frontpage development is done through the design view, not
very experienced in HTML


Sitara Lal


This may well be an entirely wrong answer, but have you explored Inser | Web
Component | Advanced Controls | Movie in Flash Format?


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