Importing and Exporting Preferences



This seems like a simple enough concern, yet I haven't figured out how
to do this.

I'm a writer and I work between three computers. I have a very
customized Word setup with precise toolbars, macros, etc.

How can I export toolbar settings to Word in another computer? It
takes a great deal of time to recustomize Word on a new computer. I
imagine I can find macros and simply copy them into the right
directories. What file(s) do I copy to get toolbar settings?

Many thanks.

Dave Lett

Hi Scribbler,

In short, customize your settings on one computer, copy that computer's and put it on the other computers. If you're using templates,
bring those over, too.



KWIK answers! Thanks! How great to have found this newsgroup. I really
do appreciate it.

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