For the record, the macro is also available here, along with some
variations--it will both create the backup file and then re-import it.
Also, thanks for bringing up this issue, because the same macro is the
path to bringingAutoCorrectentries from WinWord to MacWord, and I've
been thinking I should try to sort out a standard answer for that, but
never got around to messing with it.
Okay, results, for the archives. I got Salismil's files, ran the macro.
These particular AutoCorrects, however, are formatted (they have a lot
of superscript numbers in them), and so the macro stores them in the
Normal template instead of the ACL file. That's a bit of a problem,
because Word 2004 and 2008 don't use the same Normal, so you can't just
replace the file.
So, how to get Word 2008 to absorb these formattedAutoCorrectentries
from a Word 2004 Normal?
--The Organizer lets you move AutoText from template to template, but
not formattedAutoCorrectentries.
--Loading it as a global template did not work (though I think that
works with keyboard shortcuts).
--Putting Normal [2004] in place of Normal.dotm [2008] in Application
Support did not work.
--Althoughimportingstuff from Normal [2004] caused all sorts of
problems during Office 2008 installation, Word 2008 (12.0.1) now appears
to ignore a 2004 Normal stored in the MS User Data folder, so that
didn't work (good to know, in other contexts).
--Opening Normal [2004] and saving it as Normal.dotm did not seem to
work (and probably isn't a good idea anyhow--always let Word create Normal).
Okay, this worked:
Create a new user in the computer. Put Normal in the Users/Shared folder.
Switch to the new user. DO NOT launch Office yet. In user Documents,
create a folder named Microsoft User Data. Put Normal in there.
Now launch Word. Go through Office Setup, whatever. Re-launch Word.
Since it is Word's First Run, Word should find the Normal in the MUD
folder and import theautocorrectentries into the new Normal. Test one
to make sure.
Quit Word--slowly, as it is saving 30,000 entries into the
user/library/application support/microsoft/office/user
Copy that fresh Normal.dotm into users/Shared. Go back to the original
user account.
Quit all Office apps. Save the current Normal.dotm on the desktop. Copy
the Normal.dotm from Shared to replace it. Launch Word--it looks to me
like Word is also launching pretty slowly with 30,000AutoCorrect
entries in Normal. Test anAutoCorrectentry.
Okay, if you now have your custom AutoCorrects, there are probably
things you want to save from your previous Normal.dotm. If you rename
the previous Normal.dotm and turn it into a Global Template, that should
get you your keyboard shortcuts, and also custom toolbars. If you've
created styles or AutoText, I'm not sure that will cover it, or if you
have to use the Organizer to move them over. I believe you will need to
return to Format | Document, Format | Font, Tools | Language and reset
the Defaults there, maybe some other places.
I've emailed Andrew separately with the converted Normal.dotm, but as of
Thursday morning (USA), I'm off for the weekend, so if questions arise,
feel free to handle them or I'll catch them next week.