importing contacts from Outlook Express 6 to Outlook 2003


Jani K


Can anyone tell me how I can import / copy my contacts from Outlook Express
6 to Outlook 2003? Outlook Help says to use the File > Import/Export menu
option, but there is no Import/Export menu option in my Outlook!

BTW, I need to be able to import it into my Outlook Contacts folder as
opposed to a Personal Address Book.

Thanks in advance.



OL and OE must be on same sys
Assuming OE is connected to your mail, export from OE to OL.
In OL import the addresses

Jani K

They're both on the same system, and yes I'm using OE for my mail as well as
my contacts... however I don't want to export my mail. The only reason I
have to use OL is 'cos my new cell phone uses Microsoft ActiveSync to sync
with my laptop, and ActiveSync only works with OL, but not OE!

OE provides two methods of export:
1. Microsoft Exchange Personal Address book
2. Text File (CSV)

Neither option will be of any use, because I need to import into my OL
Contacts folder, not into a Personal Address Book. ActiveSync will only sync
contacts that are in the OL Contacts folder.

The main problem is that I see no way for me to import into Outlook, as
there is no File > Import/Export function. What is the solution to this?




Jani said:

Can anyone tell me how I can import / copy my contacts from Outlook
6 to Outlook 2003? Outlook Help says to use the File > Import/Export menu
option, but there is no Import/Export menu option in my Outlook!

if you GENUINELY have no "Import/Export" function, (you HAVE expanded all
the menus, haven't you?) then you have a borked install. try doing detect
and repair.

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