Importing Data from Excel into a master project in MS Project 07



Good afternoon,

The backbone of my team has been an excel spreadsheet that contains a LARGE
amount of data about all of our projects. To help oversee all the projects, I
have consolidated them into a Master Project (I have anywhere from 30-50
projects at any give time). We are a residential remodel company -- the data
in the excel spreadsheet is data about our subcontractors (who is going
where, when, and what they are doing).

I want to minimize the impact to the team member who is managing the
scheduling of the subcontractors and allow her to continue to use this
spreadsheet -- even though we have implemented MS project.

I created an import map to map specific fields into our master project file.
The import works beautifully... where I am stuck now is trying to figure out
how to get the imported data to be associated with the projects they are a
part of. For purposes of clarification, I am importing the data as TASKS that
have resources assigned. I have a custom field Text3 that I have listed as
Job Nickname... the reason for this is that my Project Name field is the
ENTIRE project name ... in the excel spreadsheet, my team member uses a
shorthand name.

Any help on getting the imported data to update into the projects they are
associated with would be helpful.



Jim Aksel

There's probably an easier solution, but this is what comes to mind at this
late hour.

Each line in a project file has a UniqueID field. It is an integer and
guaranteed never to change once assigned to a task. Might you construct a
macro to match that UniqueID field to a corresponding field also in the Excel
file? You would need to add that UniqueID field to the Excel file. You will
have a problem if the Project.mpp is actually a Master Project with inserted
..mpp files. If it is a stand alone Project.mpp file this technique might
work for you.
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Actually, yes... the master project is a compilation of many sub projects
.... I set it up that way because we have projects starting and ending
weekly... it made the most sense to do it that way...

Any other suggestions?



I'm getting comfortable with thanks for the link... it seems a bit
overwhelming right now. I'm reading Rod Gill's book (its excellent) and
trying to wrap my mind around it all.

I'm going to find a solution... I'm going to find a solution...

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