Importing data in excel 2003



I am trying to put data from multiple excel spreadsheets in to one workbook.
The layout of the spreedsheet I want to put the data in to is different to
the other workbooks. Is it possible to transfer this data across so that it
automaticaly changes it to the layout I need.

challa prabhu


Important: Copying and pasting the data from one worksheet within a
wordkbook to to another workhseet of a different workbook will loose all
formatting and layout beacuse of the target settings. You may have redo the
layout and formatting once again. Therefore, follow this procedure:

1. Open both Workbook and Workbook2.
2. Choose which worksheet in the Workbook you want to move to the other
3. Right-click on the sheet tab, and then select Move or Copy. The Move or
Copy porpup menu is displayed.

Note: The Move or Copy dialog displays Workbook and all the worksheets
associated to this workbook under the Before Sheet list.

4. Under the Move selected Sheet, select the Workbook2 from the To books
5. Before Sheets list, select the location where you want the source sheet
of the previous workbook to be moved.
6. You can either move the worksheet of Workbook1 to the target workbook2
or move a copy of the worksheet of Workbook1 to the target workbook2. If you
want to retain the worksheet of Workbook1 before moving to the target
Workbook2, select the Create a Copy check box.
7. Click Ok to complete the operation.
Now if you open the Workbook2, you notice that the worksheet of Workbook1
has been added in the Worksheet tab with all the formating and layout

Challa Prabhu

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