Importing DWG (AutoCAD files into word 2000)


PJ Lightning

Not yet. To get an autocad drawing into word you can
export it as a wmf though this is not ideal if you want to
edit it at all in word, or export it as an r12 dxf which
can be imported(at least for versions of word up to 2002.
I believe the later versions of word don't have the dxf
filter though it is supposedly still available from ms if
you want it). However not all versions of autocad export
the right kind of r12 dxf (For further info see the
autocad forums for occasional arguements over what
constitutes an r12 dxf!). My version of Autodesk land
desktop didn't export the right kind until the service
packs were installed but the saveas r12 dxf option now
produces a dxf that goes nicely into word. You may need to
adjust the drawing limits and zoon all to get a good
result. If you need to edit it the best way is to float it
over the text and ungroup twice and then delete the blank
bax and the frame. Good luck. (If your version of AutoCad
won't create a useable dxf I recommend trying intellicad

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