Importing excel data to Entourage address book


Mark Ritter

I have a list of 450-some-odd names and addresses I'd like to import
into Entourage. I am unable to consistently map the import.
Sometimes the headers from Excel (in tab-delimited text) appear in the
mapping window, sometimes not. More often they don't.

Shouldn't I be able to map any column header into Entourage as a
custom field?

Thanks for any help.

Mark Ritter

Diane Ross

I have a list of 450-some-odd names and addresses I'd like to import
into Entourage. I am unable to consistently map the import.
Sometimes the headers from Excel (in tab-delimited text) appear in the
mapping window, sometimes not. More often they don't.

Shouldn't I be able to map any column header into Entourage as a
custom field?

How Entourage reads a tab-delimited file is out of my area of expertise. I
would export your contacts as tab delimited in Entourage and use that as a
template for your other contacts in Excel that you want imported

Are the contacts only in Excel or are they in another email client? You
might have better luck with importing from another client than your current

Mark Ritter

My problem is: The headers of the columns don't ALL get mapped by
Entourage. Almost all of the column headers get mapped by the Entourage
import script/process, but not all.

I have tried renaming the headers, I've tried repositioning them in Excel,
I've added 'dummy' headers and they don't get mapped..

I don't get it.

I've even used Paul Berkowitz's Import-Export Scripts (and paid for them)
and I still can't get all the column headers to be seen by the mapping
process in Entourage.


Mark Ritter

Problem solved!

Apparently, the column/header I couldn't import was formatted properly. It
contained numeric formulas, no calculations, nothing but numeric
text. But, there were the little green comment indicators in each cell.

So, with some help in diagnosing, I changed the format of the column to
'Number' with no decimal places instead of 'General' or 'Text'.

Once the column was formatted correctly and the comment indicators
disappeared, the whole file mapped into Entourage like I've been hoping and
struggling to do for a week.

Berkowitz's script DID help. What a guy!

William Smith

Mark said:
Problem solved!

Apparently, the column/header I couldn't import was formatted properly. It
contained numeric formulas, no calculations, nothing but numeric
text. But, there were the little green comment indicators in each cell.

So, with some help in diagnosing, I changed the format of the column to
'Number' with no decimal places instead of 'General' or 'Text'.

Once the column was formatted correctly and the comment indicators
disappeared, the whole file mapped into Entourage like I've been hoping and
struggling to do for a week.

Thanks for posting back! Although not many folks may ever see the same
problem if one other person searching the forums does find this then
your time was well spent.
Berkowitz's script DID help. What a guy!

Yeah, I think we'll keep him. ;-)


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